Idube Safaris

More than I could have ever asked for

Our guide experience with Gert was more than I could have ever asked for!! Gert was absolutely professional in every aspect, but also extremely fun, humorous and friendly. His knowledge of the area, the habits of the animals, and strategies for successful hunts were endless and informative. We would be riding around asking questions back and forth to get to know each other and our cultures. He made sure that we were all on target, comfortable and confident with the guns we borrowed for hunting. He spent every day with us and did whatever he could to help make sure that each of our hunts were successful. We would even eat dinner together or hang out by the fire at the end of that day. Even though he was our guide, it always felt more like we were hunting with a buddy. My husband and I went on this Safari trip and brought along our two sons who were 7 and 9 years old. We all came home with wonderful trophies, life-long memories as well as a new found friend. We had such a wonderful time with Gert that when we departed we were honestly quite sad. We knew that we would miss him, his kind work crew, and the beautiful South African scenery. We still keep in touch with Gert and last year when he visited the U.S. and we were lucky enough to have him stay in our home with us for a while. He is truly a great guy!


Charla Milks

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